Unconventional sources for development help

We often say a developers best friend is StackOverflow. And that is true for 90% of the cases. But what if your best friend disappoints you? You cannot find the solution of your issues there. Has happened with a handful of times so I’d like to share the unconventional sources I’ve been for help when I…


My case “against” Freelancing

In the previous blog I talked about the pros of freelancing. This one will focus on the cons. When we think of freelancing, a lot of us assume (incorrectly) it to be a dream job. Which in fact isn’t true and I’ll try to explain a few reasons why - #1 First Project - Finding a…


My case for Freelancing

As someone who has been doing freelance work since the last 3.5 years, I would like to weigh in my 2 cents on its pros. I’ll be making my case “against” it as well in the next blog, but for now we’ll focus on the pros. #1 Freedom - I’ll start with the one thing I…


A general guide to bug fixing

Before diving into the real thing, let me put a disclaimer out there that this guide is not a hard and fast rule. Instead, something I have learnt over the last 7 years of programming. Still I’d like to humbly outline some of my skills that might instil a bit of trust to think that I…